Thursday, September 27, 2007

Poetry Friday - Yikes I'm Hosting!

It's been a tremendously busy week for me and an exciting one. I've interviewed Ana Castillo (what an amazing lady she is), I've been researching illustrators, preparing for the Cybils, talking my nice boss into giving Dana-Farber free banner advertising and picking out safe new car seats for my grandkids along with my everyday work madness. I almost clean forgot Poetry Friday which would have been terrible since (gulp) I'm hosting and rounding up.

In honor of Ana Castillo and Poetry Friday - here is the link to her speaking her seminal poem - Women Don't Riot from her book I Ask the Impossible.

Women Don't Riot

I hope I figured out Mr. Linky. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with for my first hosting Poetry Friday.

Please leave a comment after dropping your poem off with Mr. Linky. Happy Poetry Friday everyone!


  1. Anonymous11:47 PM PDT

    I'm posting an old favorite today by Kahlil Gibran.

  2. Today I'm dedicating a Richard Wilbur poem to my father. Thanks for hosting, Gina!

  3. Thank you for posting. I'm in with a Robert Louis Stevenson Poem entitled "The Swing."

    Please stop by my blog to submit a picture book, that can be used as a mentor text, before 10/5 please! THANKS!

  4. I'm in with the whole Orion nebula, and a (much smaller) original poem. Thanks for hosting!

  5. We did a quick review of Tap Dancing on the Roof--thanks for hosting!

  6. Hi Ana,
    Thanks for rounding us up today. My post today is a review of a talk given by author John Green. I've included some of the poems he quoted.

  7. Anonymous4:08 AM PDT

    I'm finishing a week dedicated to the Watson family of artists & writers, with a beautiful Ftaher Fox poem and painting by Wendy and Clyde.

  8. Anonymous4:15 AM PDT

    Oops, sorry my entries are so long! I'm in at with my weekly 15 Words or Less poems. Come check out the photo and add your own poem in the comments! And in a separate post, I shared an original poem in progress about my greatest fear: something happening to one of my kids.

    Thanks for hosting!

  9. I'm in ! (I didn't forget - yay !)

  10. Thanks for doing the Poetry Friday Roundup this week. At Wild Rose Reader, my poetry has turned to thoughts of fall. I have two poems about autumn fires--one by Robert Louis Stevenson and an original by me.

  11. Anonymous4:51 AM PDT

    Today I'm posting about Amy Lowell. I think I heart Amy Lowell, and must seek out more of her work.

  12. Hi, thanks for hosting.

    I'm in with an original poem today.

  13. Thank you for taking time to round us all up this week. I've posted "Face It" by Janet Wong in honor of her birthday on Sunday.

  14. Another wonderful poem, Gina. I'm in with something from Sam Beam the man behind the band Iron & Wine.

    I am sharing your poem with my wife, who is a high school teacher I suspect she will be sharing it with her 170 or so students today.

  15. Anonymous6:24 AM PDT

    Thank you for hosting. I discovered a new haiku book.

  16. I found the roundup all by myself -- woo!

    (I've got Cynthia Rylant today.)

  17. I'm in with This is Just to Say by Joyce Sidman. Marcie

  18. Thanks for doing this in your busy week! I look forward to following all these links.

  19. I'm in this week, too. Thanks for hosting!

  20. Thanks for hosting. I'm in with a little Robert Louis Stevenson about roses.

  21. Holy, cow! Who are all these early birds?

    I've got a Song Lyrics as Poetry today. Enjoy.

  22. I am in today with three poems from Burma, and links to a site where you can read poem after poem from the people working against the dictatorship.

    thanks for hosting!

  23. Happy First Time Hostessing!
    I'm in with kid's counting rhymes.

  24. Thanks for hosting! I'm in with an original song called "Swampland Lullaby," set to the tune of "Toora Loora Looral (That's an Irish Lullaby)".

  25. Thanks for hosting! I'm in with a James Laughlin poem.

  26. Anonymous8:58 AM PDT

    Hi -- Thanks for hosting. I'm in with a blessing from Lucille Clifton.

  27. Better late than never! Is he a poet, and artist or just a pretty face? I'm in with Viggo Mortensen this week.

    Thanks for hosting, Gina!

  28. I'm in with one of Eugene Field's poems for adults, not children!

    Thanks for rounding up, Gina!

  29. I've posted a poem about beetles and the coding for the link back to your round-up.

  30. Thanks for the round-up!

  31. Anonymous1:16 PM PDT

    Thanks for hosting. My class is still deep into learning about monarch migration, so here's one by favorite children's poet Douglas Florian.

  32. Anonymous2:54 PM PDT

    Howdy! Thanks for hosting. Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast is in with a Wallace Stevens poem.

    I love your banner, btw. Very very pretty!

  33. Hi, I'm finally accepting the fact that I read and enjoy poetry, with a review of some poetry for children by John Updike.

  34. Sorry so late! My phone line quit in the middle of the post 7 hours ago!

    I'm in... still running the contest and featuring today a dog quoting Yeats. (Or is it a Yeats-quoting dog?)

    Thanks for the roundup!

  35. Thanks for hosting despite the busy-ness!

    I'm offering some more Neruda as a tribute to Equinox... Ode to nighttime

  36. Hi, Gina! As usual, my computer doesn't like the "Submit" button! If you could add my link, I'd like to throw my Cowboy Poetry entry into the ring. Thank you!

    Linda Acorn
