Wednesday, August 22, 2007


As many of you may know, I used to write the Wednesday's Latino kidlit column over at La Bloga. As of this week, I am no longer writing that column which has been taken over by the wonderful author Rene Colato Lainez. Visit him, you'll love his posts.

I've decided to start another blog alongside AmoXcalli called Cuentesitos. For those of you who don't speak Spanish, Cuentestios means little stories. The Latino/Chicano kidlit reviews that I used to write for La Bloga will now be housed at Cuentesitos.

AmoXcalli will still have lots of kidlit and Latino/Chicano kidlit but it will also take those reviews and consolidate them at Cuentesitos in order to have all the Latino children's literature reviews in one dedicated place. It makes my sense of organization happy and gives people who are looking for only Latino children's literature to be able to find it easily.

I think it will take me about a week or so to duplicated all the old posts into Cuentesitos so swing by and visit in a week or so.

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