Monday, May 07, 2007


In case you haven't noticed, I've been MIA on reviewing for a few days, okay about a week. I promise more reviews are forthcoming, I've been reading some great books. Many thanks to my wonderful guest bloggers for contributing to the Reviewing the Classics of Kidlit series.

Check out I left a year and a half ago because of my wonderfully bad move to San Diego and have been trying to get back ever since. Luckily, they like me about as much as I like them and they re-hired me. The past few weeks have been wonderful, but exhausting. I've been getting home so late that I don't even cook - just hit the bed, sometimes dressed and fall asleep.

AWN is an acronym for Animation World Network. What we are is a completely online publication that writes about animation and visual effects. We've been in business going on twelve years and have every bit of pretty darned fabulous content online and available to the animation loving public. We're a community resource, a wealth of information, we have a store, we have an incredible Animation Industry Database ( which I'm currently updating and cleaning up. There are articles, images, showreels, an Oscar Showcase, an animators showcase and lots of goodies. We have our visual effects site and those articles are just as wonderful as those on AWN. I could go on and on for hours but the bottom line is AWN is a great place to find online, it's a great place to work and I'm happy to be back. I should be back online with reviews in the next couple of days now that things are calming down a bit and I'm getting used to my crazyloca schedule.

So pull up a chair and come visit AWN. They have book reviews too! Animation ones. Check out the fabulous tribute they did to Joe Barbera.

See ya soon.


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