Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Los Angeles Times Festival of Books

The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books is this weekend, April 28-29, 2007. I look forward to this festival every year and usually go both days. It's a great place to meet up with old friends, meet authors, get your books signed, buy books, hang out and just have fun.

This year I'll be there all day Saturday and am really excited about it. Sunday I'll be there from opening till about 3pm and I'll have the grandkids along so I'm betting I'll be in the storytelling area a lot with the exception of swinging by to meet one of my literary idols Paco Taibo III and buy his new book on Pancho Villa.

If any of you authors, publishers, publicity people are interested in saying hello, shoot me an email and I'll make the time to swing by your booth, panels or maybe we can grab a coffee. Hope to see you all there!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:46 PM PDT

    I came to your book log through library thing - you came up as the person I have the most books in common with; your list is impressive over 10,000 - mine just over 2 with the books I have around the house. I have 40 boxes of book in storage - there's no room to display them all in my current abode . . . sigh!

    Just wanted to come by and say hello. I'm a writer and fellow book lover and you can find me at
