Saturday, March 24, 2007

Call for Guest Bloggers in Classic Children's Literature

Hello everyone!

I spend so much time these days trying to review so many great children's books out there, that I've sadly neglected what I originally wanted to do - review and recommend some of those great children's books from the past. You know, books like Little Women, The Secret Garden, the Little Prince, The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet, Oz books, etc. Any book you came across as a child or adult that made a profound impact, the ones that made you love kidlit.

If you're interested in reviewing, add a comment with the title of your book/s that you want to review and then I'll get you set up with a guest account so you can post away. It's that simple. There is no deadline and no end date.

I'm hoping some of the wonderful Children's Lit bloggers on my blogroll will contribute.



  1. Hi, I saw this post when it was forwarded to the child_lit listserv. I'd love to review some books for your blog.

    Books I'd be interested in reviewing:

    A Little Princess
    Emily of New Moon by L.M. Montgomery
    The Westing Game
    Ballet Shoes
    From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
    Gregory the Terrible Eater
    Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

    my email is

    - Elizabeth Lund

  2. Done! I'll contact you via email with a password - you should get an invite from blogger. Thank you so much for contributing to this project. The titles you chose are all wonderful and some of my favorites.

  3. I just got "the mark of the horse lord" by rosemary sutcliff out the library. If you want, as soon as I'm done I'll let you know & send you that review. It was published in 1965; there is a 2006 reissue (with a very cool cover, IMHO.)

  4. Liz,

    This sounds wonderful and I'd love to post your review on it. Send it via email and I'll post it right away with your name and a link to your blog on the review.



  5. This sounds like so much fun!

    Books I'd be happy to review:

    Anything by L.M. Montgomery, but especially some of her lesser known titles, like Kilmeny of the Orchard and A Tangled Web.

    The Princess and the Goblin
    The Phoenix and the Carpet (and its sequels)
    Anything by Edward Eager
    Strawberry Girl
    Prairie School

    If you click on my name -- my email address is on my blogger profile

  6. This is SO what I love! I've been reading tons of the "classics" so that I can decide which ones will work for read-alouds. If you'd like, I could review:
    Anne of Green Gables
    Otto of the Silver Hand
    The Lost Island
    Wheel on the School
    Mary Poppins
    and Secret Garden

    We've just read all thse and they are such wonderful read-alouds. We're in the midst of reading Swallows and Amazons -- what a great one that is too!

  7. Mary G,

    Thank you for stopping by. I'd love to have you review any or all of those books. Email me and I will get you set up.

    Many thanks!


  8. I'd like to offer some reviews of the following:

    Emil and the Detectives
    Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH
    The Ghost of Thomas Kempe
    The House at Norham Gardens
    The Chronicles of Prydain
    Carrie's War
    The Owl Service
    Stig of the Dump
    The Winter of the Birds

    scolere at gmail dot com

  9. you might (all) like

    I am just learning how to do all this........
