Thursday, March 27, 2008

10th Annual Walk for Cesar Chavez

I'll be there, will you? Register here.

Join thousands in continuing the call for social justice by participating in the 10th Annual CESAR CHAVEZ WALK

Walk alongside Chavez family members, students, elected officials, celebrities, and community members and celebrate Cesar Chavez Day 2008. Walk sponsors include Los Angeles Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa and Councilmember Jose Huizar, 14th District.

SATURDAY, March 29, 2008
at Historic Olvera Street
125 Paseo de la Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90012
(Main Street between Arcadia and Cesar Chavez Avenue)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Cuentecitos News

Adriana Dominguez of HarperCollins has joined Cuentecitos as a contributor and her first post is up. Learn about el dia de los ninos by clicking here.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ask a Mexican on YouTube

I guess this 'splains why my blog is so ahem colorful...

Thursday, March 06, 2008

URGENT!!! F1rst Pages Conference

Four New York editors, an agent, and a bestselling
author are coming to Connecticut on Saturday, April
26th for another F1rst Pages conference, one with a
new imprint launching in Fall 2008! One of those
prominent editors, making her own path in the business
is Adriana Dominguez, Executive Editor of Latino
imprint, Rayo, at HarperCollins. If you want to learn
more about publishing in the Latino market and receive
feedback on your work, make sure not to miss Adriana's
workshop. (See link below)

So if you can make it, the networking experience will
be worth your while and there are opportunities to
work with professional editors and an agent in an
intimate group and have the chance to submit. There
is an opportunity to be acquired if you have the right

Just make sure you read the guidelines carefully.
Just a reminder that the navigation bar is at the top
of the page and the payment links are at the bottom of
each publishing professional's page.

Go to - click on conference tab or
go directly to the conference at

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Super Chicana

Saw this on Ana Castillo's blog which I read religiously and had to re-post. It's awesome.